Santa Rosa Events

43rd Annual Fisherman’s Festival

The Bodega Bay community hosts its 43rd Annual Fisherman's Festival, a weekend packed with events for people of all ages, at Westside Regional Park. Enjoy craft booths, live music, food, entertainment and more. Wine tasting will feature more than 25 Sonoma County wines. Food booths will have something for every palate - barbequed oysters, local fish 'n chips, veggie burgers, clam chowder and sandwiches. Live music and entertainers perform on the main stage all day Saturday and Sunday. Artisans and vendors from all over California and beyond offer a wide selection of arts and crafts.


Saturday, April 9 @ 10:00 am
Sunday, April 10 @ 10:00 am


2400 Westshore Road
Bodega Bay CA 94923

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