Santa Rosa Events

SEVA's 40th Anniversary - Dark Star Orchestra

Celebrating SEVA's 40th Anniversary - Dark Star Orchestra with host Wavy Gravy

Seva Foundation is a Berkeley based organization founded in 1978 by a group of medical professionals, counterculture activists, musicians and compassionate individuals, all dedicated helping others through the prevention of blindness. Most notably among them are public health expert Dr. Larry Brilliant, spiritual leader Ram Dass, and humanitarian activist Wavy Gravy. In the past 40 years, Seva has restored eyesight for 5 million people with programs reaching many of the poorest places in the world including: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Pakistan, Nepal, Tibet, India, Africa and Native American communities in the U.S. Today, Seva’s sight restoration programs serve one million people annually.


Wednesday, June 27 @ 8:00 pm


23 Petaluma Blvd. North
Petaluma CA 94952

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