Santa Rosa Events

Sugarloaf Wildflower Walks

Join Team Sugarloaf docents for a spring wildflower walk. The park includes hillside grasslands with lupines, paintbrush, and iris, wet areas with seep-spring monkeyflower, creeks with Western azalea, chaparral areas with ceanothus and chamise, hardwood forests with delicate chocolate lilies, and redwood forests with starflower. You will be thrilled to see the colors, shapes, and delicate beauty of wildflowers! Sugarloaf Ridge State Park wildflower walks are $10 and an entry fee or park pass is required for vehicles. These walks are 1-3 miles long. This is a beginning to intermediate level hike. All trails contain small elevation gains, and participants are required to wear appropriate footwear.


Sunday, May 6
Saturday, May 12


2605 Adobe Canyon Rd
Kenwood CA 95452

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