Santa Rosa Events

History Hike (Part III) – Ranchers & Hippies

Join Sugarloaf’s History Docent, Larry Maniscalco, for a short hike and exploration of the park’s rich cultural history. Learn about the gentleman ranchers of the Mayacamas Ridge and how Sugarloaf nearly became a lake. Walk the site of a Depression Era Boy Scout camp and follow the antics of Hippie squatters and New Age meditators. The hike of 2.2 miles will follow Meadow and Hillside trails with 250 feet of elevation gain. $10 per adult, $5 for campers and students. Meet at the White Barn / Stable area near the observatory.


Saturday, September 16 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm


2605 Adobe Canyon Rd
Kenwood CA 95452

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