Santa Rosa Events

History of Sonoma County's Narrow Gauge Railroad

Northern California used to have a complex network of train lines carrying passengers and cargo across the state. One line in particular, the North Pacific Coast narrow gauge line, connected San Francisco, by way of the ferry in Sausalito, to the Russian River redwoods in Cazadero. For roughly sixty years this line ran through twelve towns, most of which shrunk significantly once the narrow gauge line was discontinued in the 1930s: Sausalito, San Rafael, Ross, San Anselmo, Point Reyes Station, Tomales, Valley Ford, Freestone, Occidental, Camp Meeker, Duncans Mills, and Cazadero. Come learn more about this railroad network and about the lives and towns it changed.


Thursday, November 3 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm


900 Sanford Road
Santa Rosa CA 95401

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