Santa Rosa Events

Star Party

Presentations on astronomical topics are given in the classroom throughout the course of the evening. Starting at dusk, the Observatory's three main telescopes are open for your viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes in front of the building. Friendly and knowledgeable docents are available to answer your questions.


Saturday, June 4 @ 8:00 pm
Saturday, June 25 @ 8:00 pm
Saturday, July 30 @ 8:00 pm
Thursday, August 11 @ 9:00 pm
Saturday, August 27 @ 8:00 pm
Saturday, September 24 @ 8:00 pm
Saturday, October 8 @ 8:00 pm
Saturday, November 19 @ 6:00 pm


2605 Adobe Canyon Road
Kenwood CA 95452

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